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Juvenile Offenses

Juvenile Offenses in Philadelphia

At Kenny, Burns & McGill, we handle complex juvenile cases in Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania. Here is some essential information about this type of arrest and the resulting court case that may follow:

What happens when a juvenile is arrested?

Most juveniles (age 10-17) are processed at the Juvenile Justice Services Center (JJSC) at 91 North 48th Street, in Philadelphia. They’re typically released with a court date, and their cases are later heard in juvenile court at the Family Court Division on 15th and Arch St.

When might a juvenile face adult charges?

For serious offenses like gun crimes, carjacking, or murder, the District Attorney may decide to charge a juvenile as an adult. This means the juvenile faces the adult court system, including cash bail and potential detention. Detention may occur at JJSC or other facilities.

What is decertification and how does it work?

Decertification is the process of transferring a case from adult court back to juvenile court. A defense attorney can petition the court for decertification, which leads to a hearing in the Court of Common Pleas. That hearing is held at the Criminal Justice Center at 1301 Filbert Street, in Philadelphia. At that hearing, the defense must prove the juvenile is receptive to rehabilitation in the juvenile system. The District Attorney’s Office usually vigorously opposes these motions, since they are the ones that charged the juvenile as an adult to begin with.

What are the consequences if a juvenile remains in the adult system?

If decertification fails, the juvenile faces adult sentencing guidelines, which may include mandatory minimums and deadly weapon enhancements. Adult bail considerations also apply. These consequences can have long-lasting impacts on a young person’s future.

Why is it important to have an experienced attorney handle cases involving juvenile offenses?

Cases for juveniles, especially those which wind up in adult court, require specialized knowledge of both the juvenile and adult criminal systems. The two systems have different sets of rules, different procedures, and require different strategies to achieve good outcomes for clients. A criminal defense team with extensive trial experience is critical when navigating these complex situations.

At Kenny, Burns & McGill, we have the expertise to handle complex juvenile cases, including those facing adult charges. Our experienced juvenile offense attorneys have tried thousands of cases and understand the nuances of both systems. If you need assistance with a juvenile case, especially one involving potential adult charges, contact us for a consultation. We’ll assess your situation and advise you how we can fight to protect the client’s rights and future.

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